Picture a sea of rubber duckies dispersed all over the city. Seeing as though we don't live in Atlanta, I had no idea that this was going on. When I left the museum, I saw all these ducks on the ground. Brandon then told me that they are strategically placed all over to entice the community to check out the exhibit. And that's not all. Check out the message.
It reads:
If you're going to take me,
at least come see
WaterDream at MODA
on 16th & Peachtree Ave.
& POST A PHOTO OF ME in your bathroom -
Tweet my whereabouts @
(P.S. my name is Mo'Duck)
I love it! Here are the photos that I took of Mo' Duck in our bathrooms.

How you like me now?
Pretty awesome advertising, huh? I'm a sucker for cute, interactive stuff. Now I'm off to post our photos!
P.S. Am I the only one who thinks that the plural of ducks should be duckies? Just a thought. :)
Sea of ducks picture from here.
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