No one ever said that finding the best stuff on the internet was easy, especially when it comes to furnishing a home. Our need for a unique, exclusive space makes websites like Ebay and Craigslist potential goldmines - that is if you're up for the hunt. My weakness? Furniture with clean lines and anything reminiscent of Mid-century Modern. But a funny thing happens when you come across something amazing - the price is unbelievable, the location of the item couldn't be closer, and all 9 planets align (that's right, I'm still in denial about Pluto - blame my fifth-grade education). Here are some of the cool things I've come across lately, and though I couldn't jump on them, kudos to whoever gets to live with these masterpieces.
Decorative Chairs $200.00 available on Craigslist for pick-up only in the Newburyport area of Boston. This is a STEAL! I swear if I were anywhere close they would soooo be mine!
Urban Outfitters Mid-century Danish Modern Daybed. So apartment worthy! It's on reserve for $350.00 on Ebay with 10 current bidders.
This 1950's boomerang sofa is beyond cool.
There are currently no bids and it's sitting pretty at $349.00 on Ebay with no reserve.
Riessner Werke 1958 Slipper Chair. The shape reminds me of the Jens Risom chair, but fully upholstered. The chair needs a little love, but at $49.99 and no reserve it's so do-able!
This blue-green tweed sofa screams retro and for a lovely $99.99 on Ebay, it won't break the bank.
Are you thinking Salvador Dali lip sofa?
A 1950's $80 desk from the Atlanta area on Craigslist. Painted a funky color, it could really sing.
Apple, Turquoise, or hot pink would really do it justice.

Apple, Turquoise, or hot pink would really do it justice.
This dresser is only $70! A new coat of glossy white would really bring this dresser back to life, and some cool hardware wouldn't hurt either. I'd probably finish it off with some Vinna handles from IKEA.

Oh Vermont, why must YOU be the state with the awesome turquoise chairs? I would love to give these metal and teak chairs a home. They are listed as $59 for the pair which is utterly ridiculous!
Eames inspired, anyone? This Danish Modern lounge chair and ottoman are only $99 on Ebay. P.S. The stained plywood back is simply stunning! Anyhoo, I could go on and on, but I'll stop. Keep your fingers crossed for good deals nearby, and I'll do the same!
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