
March 14, 2011

I got these adorable wall vases a little while back from cb2. I'll admit, I've always been a sucker for the man and woman bathroom signage. I'll let you guess which one's me and which one's the hubbster.

So natually I went searching around to find something that was cute and petite enough to fit inside. My first thought was bright silk tulips or daisies, but to be honest, I knew that I would get bored with them and long for something more authentic. Finally, I stumbled upon this idea!

Bamboo is so easy to care for and I've lived with a bamboo plant for the last 6 years of my life - whew! Has it been that long since 11th grade? Anywhoo, I found these at work and I knew that they would be perfect! Best of all, as they thrive they'll change shape and create more interest. I have them resting in a large vase for now while I decide on the best place to hang them in our bedroom. Wish me luck! P.S. I'll let you guess which bamboo is me and which one is Brandon! :)

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