Gosh, I've waited a long time for this post! Today I'm revealing our tiny, colorful powder bathroom makeover! So snuggle in because I'm going to give you a play-by-play for this glow-up. If you missed the first post where I talked about the concept and design,
feel free to take a look here.
Clearly the star of the space is the wallcovering. You guys, it's so, so, so good! Not only does it incorporate all the colors that we use throughout the rest of our home, it's also a quite unexpected, and dare I say - sophisticated? The dark background ups the chic factor, and we love it!
As any designer will tell you, a powder bath is the perfect place to step outside of your comfort zone and take a risk. Would I have done this pattern in my master bathroom where I spend close to an hour everyday? Probably not, but this tiny space needed something special and high-impact. It's a place that guests will more than likely visit, and it's also a place where you won't spend too much time, so why not have fun? I looked to the Reverie wallpaper by Albany to bring all the drama. We hired a local installer to ensure that we did this pattern justice. The install was so well done that I could have laid down and cried when I saw it. If you're local to the Atlanta area and need a wallcovering installed, I'd be happy to recommend his services.

The Mirror in this space is an old West Elm ($50 new in the box) find that I had been holding on to for the last 2 years. I found it on clearance, and I knew that I would want it in our powder bath. I love the shape of it, and the offset shelf provides just the right amount of quirk. With the limited space at the pedestal sink, I wanted space for something pretty (
a vase with
faux blooms) and something functional (for napkins) which the shelf provides perfectly.
Previously we had a small chrome-plated builder's grade faucet. I searched high and low for a nice faucet that wouldn't break the bank. I knew I wanted black finish, a single handle, and a height that didn't cover up our little parrot king. Our wallcovering installer was so incredible, and strategically placed him front and center above the faucet. I had zero expectations or preference of how the paper should be installed, but when I came in and saw the parrot front and center above the sink and toilet I was blown away!

The faucet is nice and heavy, and feels so expensive, even though I only paid about $50 for it. Now, I would be remiss If I didn't tell you that the install of this faucet didn't come with some crazy challenges. Apparently the most efficient way to install a faucet in a pedestal sink is to remove the sink from the wall. Who knew? Of course we couldn't do that because we had made the mistake of installing the wallcovering first. Let's just say that I'm lucky to I have a husband with hands just the right size to get behind the sink. With the help of numerous trips to Home Depot, plenty of tools to provide the right leverage in a very tight space, and a sweet, "everything is figure-out-able" attitude we were able to make it work.
soap dispenser is a cute little find from Target. I like how it picked up on the gold in the mirror and light fixture. I selected green for obvious reasons. :)
The lighting was also a find from Amazon. I wanted something that could take advantage of the 9 foot ceiling. I also wanted something without a shade so that the room could get adequate lighting since the vanity light is the only light source in the space. The asymmetric design adds a little flair to it as well. As you can see, I did deviate just slightly from the original design in that I did not end up painting the ceiling. In hindsight, I'm so glad that I didn't. I think a dark blue ceiling would have made it so much darker in there and sucked up all the light. Right now, I think the space has just the right amount of dark and moody.

Beneath the sink, I wanted a place for hand towels (which are actually small
washcloths) and a bin for used ones. Have you ever been to someone's home for a get together, and by the time you use the bathroom, the one, sad hand towel is completely soaked from all the wet hands that came before yours? Well, I'm not a fan. For years we placed nice, disposable napkins in the powder bath for guests to use, but in an effort to be more sustainable (and sophisticated) I opted for the individual washcloth method that I stole with pride from dear friends of ours (who are the ULTIMATE entertainers). I always said that when I grew up I would do this, and lo and behold - we have arrived.
I've yet to see a
pedestal sink storage solution that is as ingenious as this one from IKEA. It's actually two separate shelving units that when placed together look like one. I removed the middle shelf in the second unit to allow for a bin to place the used wash cloths. It fit perfectly if I do say so myself.
The bin is a Target original that I found on Ebay after I spray painted my original woven bin black and immediately felt as though I had made a mistake. It looked like black hole underneath the shelving unit, and I wanted the whole ensemble to feel like one. I managed to find a bin on Ebay that was brand new with tags and was the exact same size as the first one. I even like this one better. Looks like it was meant to be.
After the wallcovering was installed, I went on a frantic search to find a
vintage rug that would complement the pattern. I must have looked at 100 rugs before I found the right one (with the help of my bestie, Camia). It's not even close to being a perfect rectangle, but I think that gives it character.

Plus, the tassel fringe detail is adorable.
Initially I wanted a cheeky print over the toilet, but then I got really indecisive. To be honest, once the wallcovering was up, I didn't want to put any holes in the wall whatsoever. The pattern is really that beautiful. But I couldn't shake the feeling that this wall need something. Eventually I settled on the idea of a
Juju hat, but my bestie urged me to go with a color that was underrepresented in the pattern. This blue was so hard to find in the size that I wanted, but eventually I scored on Etsy.
This size was actually a little bigger than I wanted to go, but again, it must have been meant to be because it fit perfectly. It's the perfect cherry on the wallcovering cake.
In the initial design, I wanted to use a wall-mounted toilet paper holder. However I played around with the placement quite a bit and realized that the most perfect spot for it (that felt the most comfortable) was where the door frame is located. So I decided to use a
stand I found on Amazon. It works great (especially because it's the perfect height and I once again didn't have to make holes in the wall). I was happy that this stand also gave us a spot to store extra toilet paper.
Of course we had to add a
Tushy to this bathroom situation. Brandon ordered a few back in 2019, and they were just waiting to be installed. I think it definitely ups the luxury factor in here. Also the bamboo knob is a nice callback to the vanity shelving.
waste receptacle is super sleek and non-descript. Funny story - when this piece was delivered, it was placed against the garage in front of Brandon's car. Not knowing it was there, he accidentally ran it over. This is the replacement.
In regards to the few accessories that I incorporated on top of the toilet, I wanted to keep it as simple as possible. The faux plant and set of bamboo trays are from Goodwill. Instead of typical bathroom spray I picked up some
Flush Ritual from Homegoods.
P.S. The outlet and switch plates are my favorite. I'm now thinking that wallcoverings are the tattoos or Lay's Potato Chips of the design world. With tattoos, you're always planning the next one, and with chips you can't have just one. Our next wallpaper project? Probably the laundry closet or the upstairs hallway. :)
And because there's nothing better than a before and after...
So what do you think? I'm in love.
Powder Bathroom Makeover Reveal Sources
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